Today is 2025/03/11

Holding the elections of the board of directors of the Rebar Welding Association of Tehran Province

With the presence of more than 90  GPW Welderand activists in the GPW industry, on 2/12/2021, the election of the board of directors of Iran GPW Welders Association of Tehran Province was successfully held.

Following the public call that was broadcast in public newspapers and virtual networks, as well as telephone calls and invitations to active members in the field of GPW was made on the second day of December, activists in the field of GPW in the form of contract teams and companies providing services or selling overhead welding equipment gathered in the assembly hall of Structure Test Steel

In the presence of the representative of the Labour Office and a group of GPW veterans from among those present at the meeting of the Board of Directors, the selection and official monitoring of the voting process of the candidates was done, which was selected and announced at the end.

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Head office: Unit 9, NO. 67, Asef St., Zaferaniyeh, TEHRAN, IRAN
Tel: +9821-22024660
Secretary of the Association’s phone number: +989364443599
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