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Chapter one – General

Article 1 - Subjects

Pursuant to Article 131 of the Labour Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in the implementation of the by-laws of association and related associations and in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests and improve the economic situation of workers, which also guarantees the protection of society;Iran GPW Welders Association.

Article 2– Name, Activity area, Registered office of association

Name –  Iran GPW Welders Association known as association in this article.

Activity area - The geographical area of ​​Tehran province and the location of its head office address is Unit 9, NO. 67, Asef St., Zafaraniyeh, TEHRAN.


The Board of Directors can change the address of the association within the scope of its activities at any time and at the same time inform the members - through the approval of the General Assembly and also reflects to the Ministry of Cooperatives Labour and Social Welfare in writing.

Article 3– Duties and authorities of association

  1. Efforts to fulfill the legitimate and legal rights and demands of the members by creating favorable conditions in order to achieve the goals of the association.
  2. Planning and following up on improving the skill level of member workers
  3. Strive for cultural and social education of members in order to raise the level of necessary awareness to recognize and ensure the rights of members
  4. Efforts to investigate and research problems, economic failures, skills, increase productivity and make suggestions to members, managers and officials.
  5. Collecting intel, investigate and research problems, identifying needs and priorities.
  6. Receipt of membership fee, membership fee and voluntary financial aid of members.
  7. Cooperation in the establishment, strengthening and expansion of cooperatives and interest free loan fund related to the duties of the association and efforts to provide welfare facilities for members in accordance with the relevant regulations.
  8. Cooperation with the Ministry of Cooperatives Labour and Social Welfare in order to better understand labour problems and implement the labour law.
  9. Protecting and defending the rights and interests of the association and the profession of the members by submitting proposals and gaining the support of governmental and national authorities and organizations.
  10. Purchase, sale and acquisition of movable and immovable property of the association in the name and on the account of the association, provided that it is not for the purpose of trading and gaining profit.
  11. Participate in professional negotiations with other relevant labour organizations subject to the law and conclude collective agreements with employers' organizations.
  12. Joining homogeneous in order to form or join the association in accordance with legal regulations.
  13. Joint activity with the relevant within the limits of the laws and regulations of the country
  14. Cooperation with other relevant and performing other duties and powers that have been or will be assigned to unions in accordance with legal regulations.

Article 4- Specific duties of the association

  1. Organizing workers in the GPW class
  2. Establish a dispute resolution committee to resolve disputes between workers and employers
  3. Establish a legal committee to follow up and resolve members' legal problems
  4. Creating the necessary facilities to provide the equipment and tools needed by workers
  5. Creating interest free loan fund.
  6. Follow up on demands and negotiations with public and private agencies regarding association affairs.
  7. Effort and follow-up in training GPW profession.
  8. Efforts to determine the price and wages of GPW welders.
  9. Follow up on issues related to the hard and harmful job of GPW welders
  10. Efforts to join the Chamber of Commerce within the framework of rules and regulations.
  11. Efforts to control and monitoring the performance and quality of work of members through continuous inspections of their place of employment.
  12. Cooperation with institutions, agencies and organizations, including Iranian Social Security Organization.
  13. Efforts to cooperate in the areas covered with the municipality.
  14. Follow up to obtain a skill card and certificate in GPW profession from Iran’s Technical and Vocational Training Organization.
  15. Identification, skill classification, job search, introduction of job seekers to employers, introduction of workers and masters to technical and professional centers
  16. Follow up on health insurance and pension and welfare affairs of employees in the construction sector.


Contact Us
Head office: Unit 9, NO. 67, Asef St., Zaferaniyeh, TEHRAN, IRAN
Tel: +9821-22024660
Secretary of the Association’s phone number: +989364443599
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